Look up a video in Shenzhen or Chongqing. Everything looks 2 decades out, and the giant crystal skyscrapers light up different colors. Sometimes the whole thing is a TV.
China surpassed USAmerica in GDP already, but it doesn’t look close to tied in development and advanced technologies.
The trains there go hundreds of miles in less than an hour, you could commute across the country every day.
Meanwhile in America the “middle class” is struggling to have some walls and a roof. Record debt and crumbling infrastructure. How is all of this ignored and not talked about everywhere?
Oh yeah sure, maybe they have all that, but at what cost, mhh?
The ticket prices are relatively inexpensive, and lots of people ride the train. It’s horrible.
I enjoy freedom a hell of a lot more than riding on a superfast train
Some months ago I spoke with a petite bourgeois white boomer who didn’t even know that bullet trains existed. I had to explain them to him, that they’re like airplanes that fly only a few feet off the ground (unlike many Burgerlanders I have used bullet trains many times).
It’s not just centenarians in congress who think that the internet is a series of tubes you can throw in the back of your pickup truck. Many many Americans, including members of the bourgeoisie, are willfully unaware of how far places like China are pulling ahead of them.