After accidentally sitting on my favorite pair today and destroying them, it got me wondering how many pair of shades I’ve owned in my lifetime.
I’m just gonna go with a round number and say about 50. I only buy cheap sunglasses btw
After accidentally sitting on my favorite pair today and destroying them, it got me wondering how many pair of shades I’ve owned in my lifetime.
I’m just gonna go with a round number and say about 50. I only buy cheap sunglasses btw
Five maybe? I lost one nice pair to a wave at the beach, and since then I buy mine at truck stops and dollar stores. It’s much less stressful to wear glasses that cost me $1.50 !
Dang, I probably have five right now
Ok I would think you might be somewhat younger. This has been my philosophy for years but you start to rack up the numbers as time goes on!
I’m late 30s.
I can’t remember <13. So, at least the last 30+ years I’ve had 4 pairs of sunnies. Maybe 5 pairs.
I’ve still got 2 of those pairs.
I’m tempted to get a fancy pair that look good instead of just sunnies that look good enough (ie, more than $100). I just don’t wear them enough… Maybe a couple weeks a year?
What’s the point in buying good sunglasses, and why would I lose a pair?
I’ve had the same wallet for 15 years, I’ve been locked out once, and I’ve lost my phone about 3 times (all of which I’ve got my phone back).
I’m recovering from about 10 years of undiagnosed depression. Recently (like a year) it has affected my short term memory, to the point I thought I had ADHD or something else. Effecting my work, my ability to live day-to-day, my socialmlife.
I now realise, while ADHD might be a factor, undiagnosed depression has devastated who I am VS who I think I am and who I want to be.
Are there other explanations for your forgetfulness?
Is it age related? Anything else you find you are forgetting?
You like your vision.
You take them most places with you so you have a much higher chance of losing them.
Something isn’t adding up here…
Absolutely right, that should be 20 years. I guess I’m already preparing for my 40s
Other than the one I lost at the beach, I lost one on a roller coaster, I recall sitting on one, and a few plastic ones just broke. Not counting whatever I had as a kid, no idea there. Not an unreasonable number, I think.
Wow you’ve got a good track record compared to me lol.
Countless times, I’ve just lost them randomly or misplaced them or broken them.
I was actually a lot more of a socialite before covid, so I think that could’ve been a big factor. I think the favorite pair I had(that I just broke) would probably got at the beginning of lockdown. I guess my point is I haven’t been losing/breaking shades as much as I did when I was out doing more stuff.
The last fancy shades I had were a gift given to me. I ended up accidentally leaving them at a restaurant/gaming center. Just one of my many examples of sunglasses mishaps.