• slazer2au@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    I was a little concerned when we were first brought here, leaving our families behind, never being able to tell them what happened. ‘Just up and vanished’ I am sure my dad would say.
    There is a good cross section of Earth here, a family from every continent. All young couples though, no established families. Would hate to explain this to a kid.

    But where is here? We do appear to be in a glass dome of some kind. The enclosure is pretty good. It’s a stereotypical American roundabout suburb. About 8 two story houses and a corner store spaced evenly around the roundabout and a kids jungle gym for adults taking up most of the space inside the roundabout but enough space for picnics.

    The corner store is more like a warehouse to get whatever we want. Some kind of matter replicator if this were Star Trek. We put in what we want at the unmanned desk and out pops the item or items.

    The houses, all identical, are oddly shaped almost like they saw a doco on spite houses on narrow land patches.

    Spacious living room and kitchen downstairs while upstairs is the bathroom and bedroom. The wall where the back wall should be is removed so those outside can see how we live inside, even the bathroom, like an ant farm I guess.

    As for those of us here, appears to be some kind of cross section of humans. Two couples from each major continent, two white couples myself European and the other is Canadian. Two Asian couples one from Mongolia and the other from Singapore. The African couples are from Ethiopia and Zimbabwe, the Latino couples are from Argentina and Panama.

    some kind of babble fish or universal translation must be going on as we all talk in our native tongue and we hear it in our own language, which makes for a weird live dubbing experience. Doesn’t work on those outside the dome, we just hear patterns of odd noises to what I assume is their speech.