I have been a lurker of the various Sanderson-themed subreddits. Unfortunately for me and my fellow introverts, there isn’t much here to lurk at (yet!). I thought maybe we could get things started by discussing how we all got into the Cosmere. I’ll go first!

In November of last year, a friend of mine recommended I read Mistborn. I had just barely started reading again after a long break and was in need of a new series. I was about to go on a long drive, so I borrowed the audiobook from the library so I had something to listen to. I didn’t realize what I was getting myself into. In the last six months, I have read every single Cosmere book I could get my hands on, and have absolutely loved each one. I finished it all off with Tress last month. My only regret is not getting into this sooner so I could have been a part of the Secret Project Kickstarter.

Here’s hoping we can get this community going!

  • hukumka@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Everything started with me randomly picking up Wheel Of Time series. Change of author made me skeptical of its ending, but oh boy Brandon did not disappoint. So I looked for more of his books, and soon started with The Way of Kings. There was a short period whenever I should read it or Mistborn, but given all arguments against staring with Stormligth were “It is big” I dismissed them and gone straight to magnus opus.