Seems to me, calling the GOP the Right Wing contributes to their delusions of grandeur and self-righteousness. The fact it’s only supposed to be “sitting on the right-hand side of the room” is lost in deliberate ignorance. Looking for a more accurate label. If you don’t like these two choices you’re welcome to ring in with your suggestions. Since other countries have their own versions of a Right Wing, ranging from something equivalent to the US Democratic Party to full-on fascism, y’all are welcome to weigh in on those as well.
I think wrong wing is a great description with all the things they have been doing which are morally and ethically wrong. Especially their views on individuality and bodily autonomy.
Their primary candidate is talking about eugenics and being “dictator for a day” on the campaign trail. I think the Nazi Party is perfectly descriptive enough and covers all the bases.
I was gonna say “fascists” but both are good.
sitting on the right-hand side of the room
The label for that was ‘Ancien Regime’. That should be the important term to take away from references to the origins of left v right in France.égime
Defenders of the old outdated ways which only stay relevant via exeretion of force.
The old tyranny