Wikipedia has a new initiative called WikiProject AI Cleanup. It is a task force of volunteers currently combing through Wikipedia articles, editing or removing false information that appears to have been posted by people using generative AI.
Wikipedia has a new initiative called WikiProject AI Cleanup. It is a task force of volunteers currently combing through Wikipedia articles, editing or removing false information that appears to have been posted by people using generative AI.
The hacker group is 𝐒𝐍_𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐀 according to their Profile, they are in Staraya Russa, Novgorod region
But! It might be a false flag.
Thanks for additional info!
That’s interesting, actually. I can’t see why Russia the state would be interested in this (it already has issues accessing certain sources, so messing with a free open library is shooting oneself in the foot), so it’s either truly for the lulz (which are probably the most questionable lulz in history), or there’s some truly mastermind plot behind this.