All of the above for me! I live outside of Portland, Oregon and my favorite activity is to pregame on the train to save myself at least $15 at the music venue/Blazer game I’m heading to. Economical and safe!
Portland’s city design is honestly amazing
This is really not inclusive. What about stoners like me? When I’m lit up like a Christmas tree, I too don’t want to drive. Just because it’s easier for me to get away with it since there are no good tests yet doesn’t mean I want to be running over little kids. Public transport is good for everyone!
When you’re lit up I don’t want you to drive either. Chill out on the train, enjoy yourself, have a good evening. Not too difficult on decent public transport.
Maybe we should push a milder version of this angle. Too tired? Partied too much? Don’t drive; chill out on the bus home.
EDIT: In my area, they are pushing a special cheap unlimited use night ticket . Just the thing if you want to try out different clubs/ venues
I recently moved to the city about six months back. It’s honestly both amazing and dangerous that there are 2 different pubs within 600 feet of my building
You bring up a good point
I agree. Loved going out when I was in Japan to drink. Took the train for drinks and got back home safely with it!
Me irl
Personally I think this is a valid motive
Because with public transportation now there is no itty bitty tiny excuse to drink and drive
And I think at the very least it’ll save a few lives
(I live in a town with either a lot of drunk drivers or idiots)
I also want public transportation to take drinkers off the road. That goes with wanting a safe neighborhood.
Hell yeah. This is totally me. But remember fellow alcoholics; if you’re gonna day drink and take transit make sure you don’t be obnoxious to anybody because you’re drunk. It makes us look bad.
My problem with drinking and public transporting is that when I drink I have to pee like every five minutes, so my 50-minute ride home on the regional rail is a nightmare. Usually I have to get off at an early stop, find somewhere to pee, and then walk home for two hours.
We’re a little bit the same.