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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Fun Creative Labs fact: the reason soundcards were popular in the '90s was that while most PCs by that time had built-in MIDI synthesizers, the instrument sounds were created with a very cheap version of a synthesis technique known as FM (for frequency modulation) synthesis. The first synthesizers (e.g. the Moog) used analog circuits known as oscillators to produce sounds in the form of sin waves, square waves, triangle waves etc. These were really not able to mimic the complex waveforms generated by real instruments, even when multiple oscillators were combined into one sound - and in those days adding oscillators just increased the cost of the circuitry in a linear fashion. FM synthesis essentially used one oscillator to modulate (aka change the frequency of) another waveform-generating oscillator, and this produced much more complex waveform output that could (sometimes, at least) mimic real-world instruments. So much more realistic sounds could be produced by just doubling the number of oscillators in the circuitry, instead of multiplying the oscillators by 10 or 100 or whatever and still not achieving very much sonically.

    When it came time to build sound generators into PC chips, FM synthesis was the natural technique since the manufacturers still wanted it to be as cheap as humanly possible, even though the circuits were now digital instead of analog. And so was born a generation of shitty, tinny-sounding PCs. Along came Creative Labs with their AWE32, a synthesizer card that used wavetable synthesis instead of FM. Wavetable synthesis stored an actual digitally-sampled sound bank of a real instrument for each of the defined MIDI instruments, with added loop points for instruments (like flute, strings etc.) that needed to be able to produce an arbitrarily long note. By today’s standards, the AWE32 sounded nearly as bad as the cheap FM stuff, but at the time it was fucking mind-blowing. It even had the capacity to load in your own instrument samples to replace the built-in ones, although this was a bit of a pain in the ass to do.

    At the time (1995-ish) I was developing a series of Windows applications that let people compose music on their PCs, and while it worked well, the actual quality of the music when played through a shitty built-in FM sound chip was depressingly awful and I had a lot of trouble convincing people it was a worthwhile endeavor (my parents were particularly prone to eye-rolling when listening to the chintzy notes). My first AWE32 improved things massively - the problem was that nobody out in the world had one so it was impossible to target it with my application. I dealt with the problem by essentially giving up until years later when PCs because powerful enough to do wavetable synthesis entirely in code using just the processor itself. And nowadays I can run the stuff on a first-generation iPhone!

  • a lot of research and medical progress comes from america, financed by medically bankrupt americans

    The real beneficial research is financed by taxpayers. The medically bankrupt finance the obscene profits of health care corporations and pharmaceutical companies, who do not spend much at all on primary research. The “research” they invest in is how to productize and market drugs.

  • I just gave it a listen today on my bike ride. It’s pretty good - not what I expected but not surprising, either. I’d characterize it as Kate Bush meets Dead Can Dance meets early ‘70s King Crimson, and since I like all three of those acts I like Gibbons’ album as well. I was surprised to see that it’s her first solo album.

  • Based on fossil records we’ve estimated that homo sapiens sapiens emerged about 200k-300k years ago.

    All of the estimates of when modern humans “emerged” (originally called the “Out of Africa” or “Mitochondrial Eve” hypothesis) are/were based on population analyses of samples of modern DNA (mitochondrial or otherwise) and are/were presented as being in opposition to conclusions based on the fossil record. The original such estimate was 100,000 years ago subsequently revised to 200,000 years ago (both in the mid-1980s) and since then these estimates have been all over the place, ranging from 50,000 years ago to 500,000 years ago. The fossil record shows no significant changes even within this wide time range: bipedality appears in the fossil record for our lineage around 5 million years ago, while our brains enlarged from chimpanzee size to modern human size between 2 million and 1 million years ago.