Settlers began encroaching on Palestinian land where a beekeeper had placed a colony of bees. They burned 20 hives — and forced the residents to flee.

Youssef Ahmed Abdel Hamid Al-Sarha has been working in beekeeping and hive production for more than 15 years. Throughout that time, the 42-year-old from the West Bank village of Dura, near Hebron, has been putting his bee boxes in pastoral areas in the South Hebron Hills region. Here, medicinal herbs, green trees, and other natural resources provide a suitable environment for his work.

Seven years ago, he and his family placed some of these boxes — about 55 cells — in the small rural village of Khirbet Wedadie, and asked a friend who lived in the area, Saleh Abu Awad, to take care of the bees during his absences. But in 2021, Israeli settlers established an outpost called Meitarim Farm about 400 meters away from where the bees were located.

About a month ago, according to Al-Sarha and Abu Awad, the settlers started to seize land and plant grapes in the eastern region, less than a kilometer away from his bee boxes. They then began launching repeated attacks on Abu Awad and his family, who last month were forced to leave their land in Wedadie, which the family had inhabited for at least 200 years, due to the increasing violence. Abu Awad’s family, along with his brother’s family, tore down their homes with their own hands and left.

On July 27, Al-Sarha went back to the area to leave some water for the bees. “A settler came driving a four-wheel-drive mountain vehicle, carrying a weapon, with a huge dog that started wandering around me,” he recounted. “He was trying to scare me with the dog, and then he left.” Al-Sarha added that, on a previous visit, he noticed a small drone — perhaps belonging to the settler — tracking him from above until he left the area.

He went back a few days later, on August 1, to collect the honey — but instead he found ashes. “Twenty beehives had been burned out of 55,” he said, inflicting a financial loss of almost NIS 40,000 (around $10,500). Now vulnerable to the same settler violence that had chased away his friend’s family, Al-Sarha was forced to move the surviving hives to another area.

“My wife, my children, and I work hard most of our days for this moment; we wait for the annual season in which we can harvest honey and sell it,” he explained. “But this year, 20 boxes of bees became ashes, a week after the farmer’s family was forced to demolish his home and leave because of the settlers’ attacks.”

‘Has the land shrunk around us?’

For weeks up until they fled, the settlers were attacking the homes and fields of Abu Awad and his brother, day and night, often setting fires on parts of the land. But the Israeli authorities would never act on Abu Awad’s or Al-Sarha’s complaints, despite the evidence of settler attacks. The latter stood bewildered in front of the burning hives, wondering if the settler might even take revenge if he found out that Al-Sarha spoke to the police.

In the aftermath of the attack, fear hovered under the shadow of the outpost. Al-Sarha explained that he had started searching for land he owns in the Jordan Valley, some miles north of Wedadie. He will take his family and what remains of the beehives to re-establish his home there. In the southern West Bank, he added, the settlers are notorious for their violence, and they receive full protection from the state and its security forces, which are now headed by a man who lives in the Hebron-area settlement of Kiryat Arba, Itamar Ben Gvir.

“Has the land shrunk around us?” Al-Sarha asks angrily. “Where shall we go?” He wonders if beekeepers in Israel would ever be exposed to such violence.

Of course they wouldn’t. Al-Sarha’s beehives, like Abu Awad’s home, are the targets of an Israeli plan to eliminate any attempts by Palestinians to remain on their land in Area C, which makes up nearly two-thirds of the occupied West Bank. The large number of Israeli military orders issued in the South Hebron Hills in recent years — including for evictions, demolitions, and other restrictions — have become obstacles to any Palestinian progress in these areas. All the while, the power of the settlers increases under the ever-deepening legal apparatus that protects their interests.

Around the village of Khirbet Soba just west of Hebron, for example, Israeli bulldozers uprooted hundreds of olive and grape trees in early August to make way for settlement expansion, destroying dunams of agricultural land, and clearing the inhabitants through eviction orders. In the settlement of Ma’on, meanwhile, in the South Hebron Hills, the settlers have cut down trees to build homes for themselves, and the Palestinians who own and cultivate the land are prevented from even setting up a tent in the area.

On all sides of the Hebron region, nothing Palestinian — from humans to trees to bees — can escape the Israeli occupation.

  • Syldon
    1 year ago

    You are not allowed to say things like that without being accused of being antisemitic. What Israel is doing in Palestine is worse than what happened in South Africa. SA had to concede due to global condemnation, and yet we see Israel committing apartheid crimes without anyone batting an eyelid in defence of the people there. The world is very quick to condemn extremist groups within the Muslim religion.

    If you have not listened to it already I highly recommend listening to the Yuval Noah Harari interview on the rest is politics. This not only reminds you that not all of the Jews in Israel have this genocidal attitude, but also helps you understand what it is that the country of Israel is up against.

      1 year ago

      If being against genocidal colonizers makes me anti-semitic then I guess I’m anti-semitic.

      1 year ago

      Israel != Jews and Palestine != Muslims

      This conflict has nothing to do with religion. It’s about land, water, and other resources.

      • Syldon
        1 year ago

        Listen to the podcast I linked. This is the opinion from a Jew from the country Israel. He specifically states it is about religion, and how there are parts of the Jewish religion see themselves above all others. This is being done in such an abhorrent way that parts of the Israeli army are striking and refusing to serve.

        What credible sources do you have to state otherwise. A randomer commenting on something they disagree with just does not cut it for me.

          1 year ago

          I worked in Paelaine as a human rights worker.

          The Israeli occupation and war crimes they commit has nothing to do with religion. Of course there are fascists on both sides that use religion as an excuse, but that’s just a distraction. It’s about land, water, and resources.

          • Syldon
            1 year ago

            They want to take that land, water and resources away from people of what they see as the wrong religion.

              1 year ago

              You realize that many Palestinians are Christian and many are atheist, right? They still suffer under the Israelis

              And many Israelis committing war crimes in the IOF are atheist.

              Religion isn’t the issue.

              • Syldon
                1 year ago

                At what point did I say this was only against one religion?

                Israel has been and still running a campaign that has a detrimental result to anyone who is not part of their favoured religion. This may be to take advantage of land, resources or water. Some of it is just plain outright nastiness. But the bias has always been against none Israelis.

                The guy in the podcast is literally telling you that there is a campaign against anyone who is not part of the right group. He is from Israel and taking an active role against this extremism. This is becoming more exacerbated with infighting of the Jewish community themselves. Netanyahu is listening to the more extremist factions of the Jewish religion and acting on it.

                And many Israelis committing war crimes in the IOF are atheist.

                Being atheist does not mean you cannot have a bias. What sort of a conclusion is this?