The colours, bangs and excitement of fireworks thrill many of us but what looks pretty comes with a pollution penalty, harming air and rivers.
A network of three UK university research observatories have revealed the complexity of the unique air pollution that fireworks create.
Guy Fawkes fireworks and bonfires are rarely confined to the marking of the gunpowder plot on 5 November, as often people celebrate early. This year peaks in particle pollution were seen on the preceding Saturday evening, especially across the West Midlands and London, perhaps due to the combination of Diwali and Guy Fawkes fireworks events.
In most places the worst air pollution was measured on the night of 5 November, reaching level seven on the government’s 10-point scale across Yorkshire. Notable peaks in particle pollution were also seen across Merseyside, as well as north-east England, Worthing, Norwich, Bristol and Cardiff.