Balkanization. We will likely end up with regional military power centers separated by “dead zones” where power is contested and infrastructure is destroyed. The socialist movement will emerge in the dead zones, where people and the land will be very much alive, but the fascist strongholds will not acknowledge it. Because facism is unsustainable, those strongholds will tighten their grip but be unable to expand, and eventually the gaps will choke off one stronghold at a time.
It is likely that the gap will be the home of the Rainbow Warriors
Balkanization. We will likely end up with regional military power centers separated by “dead zones” where power is contested and infrastructure is destroyed. The socialist movement will emerge in the dead zones, where people and the land will be very much alive, but the fascist strongholds will not acknowledge it. Because facism is unsustainable, those strongholds will tighten their grip but be unable to expand, and eventually the gaps will choke off one stronghold at a time.
It is likely that the gap will be the home of the Rainbow Warriors