Aston sought medical help after her symptoms—which included severe migraines, abdominal pain, joint dislocations, easy bruising, iron deficiency, fainting, tachycardia, and multiple injuries—began in 2015, per the New Zealand Herald. She was referred to Auckland Hospital, where a doctor accused her of causing her own illness. Because of his accusations, Aston was placed on psychiatric watch. 

Research suggests women are often much more likely to be misdiagnosed than men. A 2009 study of patients with heart disease symptoms found 31.3 per cent of middle-aged women “received a mental health condition as the most certain diagnosis”, compared to just 15.6 per cent of their male counterparts. Additionally, a 2020 study found that as many as 75.2 per cent of patients with endometriosis—a painful disorder that affects the tissue of the uterus—had been misdiagnosed after they started experiencing endometriosis symptoms. Among those women, nearly 50 per cent were told they had a “mental health problem”.

    10 months ago

    I’ve actually had the opposite happen: my endo was diagnosed by a male doctor and he was great, but I’ve since gone through several consultants of both genders who just don’t give a flying fuck. I wonder if it’s the case that if your female doctor experiences their period as minor discomfort, then they might actually be more dismissive? So it’s basically the luck of the draw in my experience, and it’s so exhausting having to keep trying to get someone to care.

    Side note, the amount of times getting pregnant has been suggested is incredible. I don’t want kids, but even if I did, using them as a ‘cure’ is a terrible reason to bring a person into the world.