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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/shishingo on 2023-09-08 07:13:58.

Newb here. I’ve been told by my friends to, “Please stop talking about aliens,” so I’m here looking for community and discussion.

There’s multiple types of UAPs. Could this indicate multiple aliens/societies investigating us?

  1. The Phoneix Lights - A possible attempt at communication. Could have been done by piloted craft or drones.
  2. The 2014 asteroid with unrecognizable alloy in it - Maybe a communication attempt, or maybe an unusually fast interstellar natural object that just happened to hit us. Either way, confirmed to be from outside our solar system. This one excites me the most because it mirrors the unmanned communication probes we’ve sent out ourselves. This asteroid may have come from a curious society similar to us, with slightly more advanced technology.
  3. Flying saucers - Linked to abduction stories, potentially callous and unfriendly if true.
  4. Tic tacs - Confirmed by US government, they appear to investigate our airships, nuclear tech, and have taken down Russian fighter planes when pursued, killing the pilots. Potentially neutral or unfriendly.

Assuming all of these are real, then I think we’re dealing with multiple alien societies investigating our planet. The Phoneix Light would have taken a ship or ships that can be flown which is a different level of technology than the 2014 asteroid, which is more similar to throwing a rock in our direction, hopefully with a letter attached. That’s 2 possible societies contacting us. Flying saucers could be the same as the tic tacs.

I’m curious if any of these hypothesis stand up to scrutiny, or if they can be immediately knocked down.

Last minute thought: The cube thing sounds like it’s from a separate society as well, probably multi-dimentional.