I totally forgot to post this last week and didn’t remember until middle of the week. Anyway I’ve been playing the Binding of Isaac but I am at my parents house for the holidays so I’ve not been Gaming the past couple days. Happy Holidays everyone 🫡
I totally forgot to post this last week and didn’t remember until middle of the week. Anyway I’ve been playing the Binding of Isaac but I am at my parents house for the holidays so I’ve not been Gaming the past couple days. Happy Holidays everyone 🫡
Picked up Metal Slug Tactics on the Steam sale. Been waiting 3 years for that game. It’s appropriately difficult, as those games used to devour my quarters in the arcades. My only real complaint is that they got Marco’s face all wrong.
Edit: Also Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. They just finished Shadows Over Bögenhafen and are in the process of sailing to Altdorf.