The screenshot shows the recommendations from

Still being federated with exploding-heads does not mean the instance supports them. But it means that shit-heads are allowed to take part in the discussions on their communities. They do intoxicate the discussions we will have. They will attack minorities. Maybe you will not be harassed by them, more vulnerable people will be. They are allowed to moderate communities on these instances. Exploding-heads members actively guide young and unknowing people to their hateful instance.

They try to start discussions about the holocaust They create communities only to crosspost exploding-heads content They take over discussions against them “WHY are vulnerable people joining a decentralized system? Isnt this why you want a closed, not for public eyes community?”

This was a link to exploding-heads, because when someone copies a permalink of a comment from them on another instance, it will be a link to their instance.

Are we building a place where vulnerable people are welcome and safe or are we building a place where nazis are welcome and safe?

They want you to block them, they comment that everywhere. They block people who are in favor of defederating them When their opponents won’t see them anymore, they can harass and recruit without being noticed.

Blocking will not solve the problem. They will spread even when you close your eyes.

Maybe this was not done intentionally, but now there is a post with a list of ‘health communities on Lemmy’ with the first entry guiding to exploding heads.

It is still possible that some of the mentioned instances do support them. The owner of says that because of “free speech” all other instances would be allowed. It is suspicious to me that his line is drawn only for lemmygrad

The decision to block the Lemmygrad instance was less a question of censorship, and more an issue of personal conviction. As a volunteer dedicating my personal resources and time to facilitating a space for users to create, discover, and discuss - not just on this instance, but across the Fediverse - I admit that this choice was made alone, selfishly, without the consent or thoroughly considering the collective opinion of the community. With the above said, has had the lemmygrad instance blocked from its first day.

I’d like to also point out that the lemmygrad instance has far more blocked instances than what is currently blocked here. Maybe you can create a post on that instance to see what that’s all about and report back?

At the same time they seem to ignore the call and vote to defederate with exploding-heads

They rejected to delete The_Donald from until they feared to get isolated from the other instances: They where aware of The_Donald and ignored early warnings. ( TD was more important to them than keeping the only mod of their 4th biggest community c/patientgamers (,

Since The_Donald was removed, I did not find more racist content on the mentioned servers. That is part their tactics. They act harmless but recruit to their instance, attract likeminded people and chase others away. Discussions on about such topics are very toxic already, soon they might be able to do more harm.

(My research is very limited, as i could not search for all exploding-heads member content on other instances by entering their domain. I know there are nice communities on

What can be done? On there is a Mastodon Server Covenant with very few useful rules, one of them is “Active moderation against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia”. It would be a first step to implement these rules for At least instances that want to be recommended on there should have to agree to that rule.

More actions should be taken now. Please make suggestions. Things will only become more complicated. The next reddit wave is incoming.

For those who did not already know:

This is not the first time new platforms face these problems, do we really have to repeat the same mistakes?


-Contact admins

update: lemmy.word defederated eh

  • 大白。
    1 year ago

    not surprised that instances who quickly defederate from explicit communist ones are now having to deal with an infestation of reactionaries

    十亿多的额外死亡孟加拉大饥荒 爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒 伊朗政变 伊朗政变慕尼黑协议 头骨饥荒 1967 年香港抗议 年的大饥荒 种族隔离 鲍比·金斯 煤矿工人罢工 英国三分之一的孩子生活贫困 血腥星期日 年大选的选票未影响选举结果托克斯特暴动阿尔斯特志愿部队的资金非法准军事人员 五眼计划 年的孟加拉饥荒 伊拉克战争 巴塘卡利大屠杀 布里格斯的计划 楚卡大屠杀 手术砧 年阿曼空袭 霍拉大屠杀 驱逐查戈斯人 球墨菲大屠杀 子宫畸形 新旅馆六射击 布尔战争 集中营 伊拉克战争期间英国对伊拉克的支持 奥格里夫之战 豆田战役 费卢杰空袭 英国印度分区 茂茂起义 贾利安瓦拉·巴格大屠杀 德累斯顿轰炸 大西洋奴隶贸易 东印度公司 年的印度叛乱 英国拉吉 化学武器 鸦片战争 盟国介入俄罗斯内战 希腊内战 皮特堡的包围 支持刚果自由国 塞西尔·罗兹 罗得西亚 英国南非公司 颐和园的燃烧 彼得罗大屠杀 金凳之战 克伦威尔式征服爱尔兰 惩罚性远征 殖民主义 鸦片贸易 种族灭绝 帝国主义 亚丁远征队 盎格鲁桑给巴尔战争 太浩湾战役 保莱特事件 年的贝宁远征 轰炸鹿儿岛 努卡普远征队 英国远征阿比西尼亚 十二月事件