If a leaf leaves leaves, why doesn’t a calf calve calves?
A leaf doesn’t leave leaves, so the initial premise is wrong.
Because cows calve calves
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo… I’m not sure how many I’m supposed to write, did I do enough yet?
How does a leaf leaves leaves? What am I missing here?
There’s a bunch of leaves. Wind blows. One leaf gets blown away. It leaves the leavesHaiku version:
There’s a bunch of leaves
Wind blows. One gets blown away
It leaves the leavesThank you and nice haiku
It’s a showerthought about the English spellings being fucked.
You read read as read, and not as read.
And yet the woodchuck still chucks wood…
A tree leaves leaves like a cow calves calves.
Because no no no
Because that’s how you wash your Reaver Speer.