Until yesterday, we could find the closest WCA competitions to our home (or any location and sorted by distance) with a tool on CubingApp.com. All we had to do was fill in the latitude and longitude.
Today I contact Spencer Chubb (the owner of the website) about this, and few hours later he had improved it: now we just have to fill in the field with a city!
It works perfectly and easier to use!
“Cubing Competitions Near Me” tool
Until yesterday, we could find the closest WCA competitions to our home (or any location and sorted by distance) with a tool on CubingApp.com. All we had to do was fill in the latitude and longitude.
Today I contact Spencer Chubb (the owner of the website) about this, and few hours later he had improved it: now we just have to fill in the field with a city!
It works perfectly and easier to use!
Find a WCA competitions near you: cubingapp.com/competitions/
Thanks to Spencer to listen to suggestions, and congratulations to him on his responsiveness.
He’s a very nice guy.