The problem I have with it is that it gives a false sense of security and how the world works. Most people think lightning rods attract the lightning and direct it into the ground because of this. 1/3 of the world has 220v and 110v connected directly into their showerhead without any idea why they don’t die from it.
Pshaw, even at LV, it’s a lay theory that is, at best, vastly incomplete and, at worst, demonstrably false.
Electricity will flow through all paths, the most electricity will flow down the path of the least resistance.
That arc is going up because the plasma is hot and the air is turbulent.
Yeah, maybe it needs a Hedberg-ism to get it across to people.
Electricity takes the path of least resistance. It takes the other paths, but it takes the least resistance path too.
The problem I have with it is that it gives a false sense of security and how the world works. Most people think lightning rods attract the lightning and direct it into the ground because of this. 1/3 of the world has 220v and 110v connected directly into their showerhead without any idea why they don’t die from it.