This time, in order to stimulate discussion, I’m just going to list the bunglings, and then if you guess incorrectly, I’ll offer you some hints — either another bungling of the same title, or the year and genre. Some of these should be easier to guess than others, and when a title has been correctly guessed, I’ll cross it off the list below.
Without further ado, these are the bunglings you have to work with:
UrumuSlime Fighting Level 300 I Don’t RememberYotsuba- Across the City
Wedding Marriage ShowLove ‘n’ Stuff- Yakitori
- Free Time One
Mitsubishi GirlsShokonoko- Boomerang
So what on Earth is my mom talking about with these?
Edit: I’m back up so I can probably reply more quickly now.
Yeah. It sounds too specific (why would anyone remember the number 300 lol)