Up till now I’ve been using only OpenVPN connections.
Which can be integrated nicely in NetworkManager to connect + disconnect from them, through NetworkManager’s UI.
However since recently I also need to use Netbird for some connections.
Is it possible to add Netbird as an entry in NetworkManager, for easy connection + disconnection?
If so, how would one go about setting that up?
Or is adding Netbird in NetworkManager not possible,
and is the Netbird CLI/GUI really the only option?
It’s not possible yet.
First Netbird needs to add Wireguard config support,
see: https://github.com/netbirdio/netbird/issues/2504
Would this help? https://forum.manjaro.org/t/howto-configure-wireguard-via-the-networkmanager-gui-advanced-network-manager/138040 Looks like you just need the wireguard config file from Netbird.
Thanks for your suggestion, but after going through the Github issues,
I’m afraid that it’s not possible yet to connect to Netbird using a Wireguard config file: