• Decompose@programming.dev
      1 year ago

      Governments are not a bunch of benevolent gods. It’s a bunch of people seeking their own interest (like everyone else), and they will do everything they can to keep the racket going. This idea that the government is there to solve your problems is ridiculous. Especially that the primary cause of the whole economy being in the gutter comes from money-printing by the government. When people predicted inflation because of all the “stimulus checks” in 2020 and printing over 60% of the money supply in a fe months, they were called conspiracy theorists. Look at where we are now. The economy is going to shit and no one cares, including your “non-authoritarian government”.

      No one is there to save you or help you. Get this out of your head. There’s no “social contract” except for what you believe to keep you tamed.

        • Decompose@programming.dev
          1 year ago

          I’m from Germany. Would you like to talk about the energy policies in Germany that have caused inflation to sky rocket? Or maybe the ECB printing money to oblivion? You wanna talk about how business are getting wrecked with electricity costs?

          Governments are people, no matter where. They have their agendas, and they’ll do what it takes to achieve them whether alone or by coordinating with the devil. If you agree with them, it’s a coincidence. One day you’ll disagree with them and they’ll screw you over and throw you under the bus. It’s a matter of time.

            • Decompose@programming.dev
              1 year ago

              Health care? Don’t make me laugh. At times we waited 6 months for a doctor’s appointment to the point where we had to book based on an emergency to just see the freaking doctor. Another story, my mom was almost hooked on morphine because the doctor wasn’t authorized to prescribe MRI after MONTHS of treatment because of the dumb regulations in health care. Taking an xray is an appointment. Give me a break!

              You know how long it takes an xray where I live? 10 minutes. MRI never took more than a few days. I can’t tell you where I live, obviously. But hey, I got out of that freaking hell in Germany.

              Crisis, huh? You know, when the covid “crisis” was going on, my company was begging me to stay when I was quitting to leave Germany because I’m very skilled and productive. They told me “don’t worry, the covid crisis is almost over”, you know what I told them? I told them “you still don’t understand politicians, do you? Do you know how politicians make you forget a crisis? With another crisis”. And see how right I was. I’m the best at predicting the future, not because I’m smart, but because I’m not brain-washed, and your future isn’t so bright. So, enjoy the series of crises in your “democratic socialist” countries.

              Anyway, besides all that, you’re just pawns. The “government” doesn’t really care about you except to vote for them to stay in power, and they’ll do the bare minimum to win that. The time will come when food becomes unaffordable with all these businesses closing and the Euro inflating. I assure you, the pawns will justify it with another “crisis”.

                • Decompose@programming.dev
                  1 year ago

                  Yep, I’m an asshole. At least I’m an honest asshole that isn’t trying to paint the sky pink with “democratic socialist” countries as if that’s the best thing that ever existed.

                  Though I’m not an asshole for no reason. I want EVERYONE to be powerful like me. I want everyone to determine their own fate. I want everyone to serve their community and be strong with clear goals and not need an 8 Euro/hour job. And that’s where you’re wrong. Europe is doomed because of that, not because “everyone is doomed”.

                  If everyone understands the consequences of the pink sky picture you’re painting, which is the awful politics, health care, standard of life due to inflation and being a pawn, etc, despite living in one of the most industrial countries in the world, then people will know that something is wrong and will be able to squeeze politicians more to get more, or they can leave and hurt them by lowering their economic output. Though if everyone served coffee in Starbucks, and got UBI from the government, they’ll never have a chance to have a better life, and that’s exactly what I’m fighting for, and besides all the facts against communism and socialism that gets people to argue online, this is why it’s bad. Because normally the government serves the people, but if people get paid by the government, then people serve the government, and voting becomes nothing but a game where whoever bribes the people more with their own money gets more votes, and that’s where we’re headed.

                  Solution? Stop saying that there’s no point in making power, wealth and money, and do it! That’s why I’m here telling people to try.