Seriously I don’t get it. They’re max consoomer drivel taking you away from productive hobbies like making music, carpentry, canning fruit & veg or painting. Humans are meant to create things instead of consume them on the daily. This imbalance is the main reason for societal decline, people would rather consume than create. I’ve never met a well-adjusted adult gamer. They’re all capeshit losers with equally loser children who scold other kids for not playing their lore game the right way. Fuck them all, video games are the biggest loser hobby.
Props to you for laying out it there with no sugar.
Counter point: I’m an adult. I game. Probably a little on the wrong side of responsibly. Pretty much everyone I work with also games, including all my management. We game because we did it growing up so we will do it (“I used to game. I still do but I used to too” - Hitchenberg or something like that). And I make a decent salary, I’m the sole income earner for my family. We limit how much our kids can game to 1 day a week generally (sometimes they get to mess around on the iPad a bit). I have other hobbies too but sometimes I go on binges and play for a while. If you met me and didn’t bring it up, I doubt you’d find out I game so if you decided I was well-adjusted it wouldn’t change your stat.
My assertion: I think you have a bad sample group. I think actually nearly everyone from the last few generations are gamers, you’re just noticing there are some losers around you and they game while not noticing all the normal people who also game.
EDIT: I have other hobbies like programming, so I also try to make stuff. For me, gaming is like watching movies/TV, just more interactive.
More power to you brutha. Sounds like you’ve got your head screwed on right. Maybe I just know I have an addictive personality so I need a strong opinion about it to keep me away. Glad to hear you still make things with your hands, that’s something a lot of modern men don’t get the satisfaction of saying.