I thought it might be nice to set up a thread in which we can recommend game systems to one another. What do you like? Why? Give us a quick blurb about a game you like and why you think others might like it. Maybe call out if you think it would be good for absolute beginners or folks new to the OSR/NSR. Oh and the genre too. If this gains some steam, I’ll pin it to the sidebar for easy access.

  • fredzBXGame@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    Going away from Fantasy we have

    Hulks & Horrors a BX like space opera game

    S&W White Star an OD&D Space Opera Game with a great skill system

    Mecha Hack - Black Hack with Giant Mecha Robots

    Seattle Hack - Black Hack in a Shadowrun Like Enviorment

    Esoteric Enterprises - OD&D, Shadowrun, and White Wolf Vampire had a baby

    Agents of the O.D.D. Into the O.D.D. and XFiles had a baby with a dash of James Bond

    White Lies - OSR James Bond meets XFiles