Bought a tent that fits in my kayak. I want to do a one-way camping trip where I go down a river. To get there I will almost certainly have to drive. So I need either

  • A way to move my car down the river so that I can meet it via kayak
  • A way to return myself and kayak to the car
  • A huge 2+day oxbow where the end of the river is only a short hike from the start

How do I find a portage company? Anyone else who has done this? Rental companies often handle this for day trips but I don’t know what Google keywords to use for a portage company for your own boat.

I’m in Chicago. I’ve brought the kayak on the CTA for a day trip down the Chicago river. Inflatable kayak is very bulky and must be carried with one hand, it was kind of a struggle after a quarter mile and it can’t fit in a backpack. It would be cool to take one Metra spoke out to a river where I could paddle to a different Metra line to return, but with tent/food/camping supplies it’s probably going to be too much to hike with or comfortably carry on the train.