Relay finally shut down without subscription - not sure how much I’ll really use reddit from hereon out, most of my time is on lemmy anyway
Relay finally shut down without subscription - not sure how much I’ll really use reddit from hereon out, most of my time is on lemmy anyway
Aww, that sucks. I only go to Reddit for one small, private sub these days, and I don’t go daily, so I hadn’t noticed. I’ve exclusively used Relay for several years. I really like the private sub, but I’m not sure I can stand the web interface. There’s no way I’m downloading the app. My days there might be waning. Bummer.
No shade to the developer though - he seems like a good guy trying his best to keep his app working.
Reddit is an SEO wasteland for me now. I only ever visit specific threads via search engines. I never see a feed, a front page, do a search or see anything other than what’s returned via google, on old.reddit. That’s how it’ll die. When most users are just finding ancient info via google or bing.