I’ve never smoked, but I’ve been around people that do. What do people feel during/after smoking? It doesn’t seem to make people high or hallucinate or anything. It maybe mildly relaxes them?
I’ve never smoked, but I’ve been around people that do. What do people feel during/after smoking? It doesn’t seem to make people high or hallucinate or anything. It maybe mildly relaxes them?
It works as an appetite suppressants
It does or is one of those myths created by the tobacco industry to market cigarette consumption with women?
It makes food taste like shit and by extension you want to eat less. At least, that was my experience with smoking for years. When I quit I gained like 40 lbs.
The coffee and smoke combo in the morning tho, I used to love it so much
Oh yeah. Marlboro Reds and black coffee got me through some rough fucking mornings in my early 20s.
I could go until the late afternoon without eating with the power of nicotine. I would say it’s about the same as coffee but you can smoke more frequently than you can drink coffee (usually).
It did supress my appetite during the first year or so, but after that the effect wore off.
Like other stimulant drugs (including caffeine and amphetamines), nicotine suppresses some of the signals your body uses to register being hungry.