Throughout the corridors of many state Capitols, families are sharing emotionally gutting stories of tragedy caused by mass school shootings with the hope that revealing their trauma will convince lawmakers on either side of the political aisle to reconsider firearm policies.
In my opinion, it isn’t even valid.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…”
Back then, a standing professional military was not expected. Militias were the expectation, be risen in times of need. This clearly is not true anymore, so the premise of the second amendment isn’t true, which should invidate the rest, right?
I’m not anti-gun. I enjoy shooting them. I’m pro-regulation though. There should be requirements for training in their usage, proper storage and handling, and the legality of their use before anyone can purchase them. This should be funded by taxes to ensure poor people aren’t less able to be armed than wealthier people.