• Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
    1 year ago

    I have not given birth or been on the receiving end of investigations like this. But you are telling me going through 4-5 more months of carrying the baby to term would do more harm to this young lady than the invesigation process, wondering if you will get caught, getting caught, and then 90 days in jail would be better for her?

    That’s her choice to make. Birth is a traumatic event (for all women) carrying a chance of death and long-term damage to their body. It’s not important what you think is easier or what you accept, it’s her body and should be her choice.

    • Dashi@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Fair, i mean to some extent right. But an abortion on a fetus that is 9 months along would be to late right? Or not? If there is no harm to the baby or mother, how far along in your opinion is to far for an abortion?

      I’m pro choice within reason. Pro lgbtq+ within reason. You enjoy your life just don’t touch my butt.

      • Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
        1 year ago

        But an abortion on a fetus that is 9 months along would be to late right? Or not? If there is no harm to the baby or mother, how far along in your opinion is to far for an abortion?

        “Do women have bodily autonomy?” is a yes or no question. Does the state have a right to forced organ donation? No. And that’s for fully formed people with experiences and relationships.

        I’m pro choice within reason. Pro lgbtq+ within reason. You enjoy your life just don’t touch my butt.

        This doesn’t really sound like you are as much those things as you’d like to believe. You don’t need to support a woman’s right to choose “but” or associate sexual assault with LGBTQ+ rights.

        We are a culture steeped in conservative influence campaigns with insufficient pushback from liberals so we develop these framings of topics that have intentionally twisted muich easier questions. Pro choice means pro choice and LGBTQ+ rights do not cause sexual assault.

        • Dashi@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Do women have bodily autonomy? No. My mom should not be able to go and hurt herself too the point of being hospitalized/instatutionalized. So no blanket body autonomy. At some point people that know more about the subject than me should step in for the health of those involved.

          That is the same thing for abortion. As long as the health of everyone involved is taken into consideration that is all i care about. The tricky question is when is the fetus considered a person? I don’t have an answer to that.

          The “dont touch my butt” statement is a joke. You/they live their lives how they want. Just don’t infringe upon my life and my rights aka “dont touch my butt”. You want to go march at a gay parade? Sure. I’ve joined one in California. I’ve lived with lesbians, very good friends, fell out of touch recently thanks for reminding me to reach out.

          Edit: and if you read my comments, never once have i said she should not have gotten an abortion. I just asked questions and expressed my reservations

          • Zaktor@sopuli.xyz
            1 year ago

            Do women have bodily autonomy? No. My mom should not be able to go and hurt herself too the point of being hospitalized/instatutionalized.

            This is an absurd dodge. Do women, in full possession of their faculties and well informed about their options, have bodily autonomy? Accepting that this case may not have involved well-informed medical decisions.

            As long as the health of everyone involved is taken into consideration that is all i care about. The tricky question is when is the fetus considered a person?

            This is a long way to say “no”. Do you support forced organ donation? You don’t have an answer for when fetuses are people, but people certainly are people.

            The “dont touch my butt” statement is a joke. You/they live their lives how they want. Just don’t infringe upon my life and my rights aka “dont touch my butt”.

            So then what is your “within reason” for LGBTQ+ rights then? Because you put your joke about sexual assault is in the same place you put your sincere belief about abortion. And what’s the actual joke, because “it’s just a joke” requires there to be humor involved. Explain the joke to me.

            • Dashi@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              It wasn’t a dodge it got my point across. “Do women, in full possession of their faculties and well informed about their options, have bodily autonomy?”

              Yes they do.

              You will have to excuse me, i do not understand your meaning behind “forced organ donation” in this context, could you explain that?

              I believe i already started my within reason for lgbtq+ rights. I support them until they infringe upon my rights. The same as how i support other religions/races/genders/little people i support their causes as long as they don’t infringe upon my rights.

              As for explain the joke, no, I’m not going to. You may not find it humerous and maybe it’s just not a great translation to text.

              You may believe i don’t support these causes, and that is your right, i do believe i support them and agree with them within reason and that is my right.