HouseDraft has been up and running for a few years now, and I’ve kept thinking “after <X> I’ll advertise it on Reddit,” but the time never seemed right. So now you fine folks are the first to hear the official announcement, I guess. But yeah, my friends and I have been using this site to run drafts at our houses (hence the name) for years now, and it works fine.

It’s free to use, you don’t need to make an account, it doesn’t show ads or mine your data or anything. There’s no catch. Unless you count the fact that I’m coding it as a hobby in my spare time, so the update schedule is pretty slow.

At present, Swiss is the only supported tournament format. I’d like to at least add support for single-elimination brackets so you can cut to a Top 8, but see above about my update schedule.

In the likely event that you don’t immediately understand how to use the site, refer to the “instructions” and “about” links at the top-right of the page.

Feedback is welcome!

    1 year ago

    It could be nice to have an easier way to enter game wins and ties with the mouse. I appreciate that it’s quick to do with the keyboard using the tab key, but there’s a lot of clicking around when you want to do it with the mouse, and the “tickers” that let you add or subtract 1 are quite small (I know it’s the default browser look, but maybe some custom styling is warranted here).

    The official Wizards app they use at LGS’ has buttons you can click to enter results like 2-1 and 2-0, I think, which could be nice if they look nice and feel intuitive.