If you click on the “more” button under a comment or link there will be an activity tab. In this tab you can see everyone who has boosted, favourited or reduced the post. I’m not sure if this a
Is a good feature but it’s interesting to see when someone decides to reduce all of your content for no reason.

  • It’s also a potential accessibility issue. Fear of being watched or tracked is a symptom of a variety of mental health issues as well as a common consequence of being a victim of abuse or other types of violence. Something I want from a Reddit replacement, and the thing that made Reddit the only acceptable social media for me several years ago, is the ability to maximize anonymity. The server is going store and be able to trace every interaction and I’m okish with that because it’s the trade off for not having to be on 4chan and having some semblance of civilization but the less I can control what information is publicly viewable the less I’m going to be willing to interact with the platform.