Do you ever miss your refill appointments, like, almost every time? I’ve been conserving my Adderall since the shortage started - I’ve only gotten one refill in the past six months, and I’ve also missed every refill appointment in that time. I’m throwing money away for fees to reschedule appointments … for a medication that helps me remember appointments … that I can’t even get refilled because of the supply change shortage. It’s so frustrating and ironic, all I can do is try to laugh.


    1 year ago

    Switched to Vyvanse recently in part because of the Adderall shortage along with the XR’s only offering me about 3-4hrs of “peak” focus. My issue on the Vyvanse is that if I forget to take it first thing in the morning I have to skip for the day because if I take it past about 10am it will keep me up until midnight!

    The other-thing I struggle with is remembering which appointments are in person and which are telehealth. More than once I have shown up in the wrong medium. This video definitely hits on the subject and hit close to home.