Like for example, how someone thinks because you work in IT you can fix their TV, or how if you’re into music you must be able to play any random instrument.

I just like hearing pros rant about about their very niche problems.

    1 year ago

    I have been a machinist/model maker for 10 years now.

    No, I can’t just take your .prt/.iges/.stl/.stp file and “load it into the machine and press the green button”.

    I use that quote because it was said to me by a particularly arrogant engineering intern. Machining is a complex trade that is made to seem simple because of software and modern automation. While that is fantastic for my profession, it brings with it this idea that I’m not really doing all that much work. Reality is that I’m constantly applying my knowledge of the trade and the things I do might be subtle to the onlookers, but there was a lesson learned before now that took me hours or days to overcome. I train a lot of our machining interns now who are mostly folks in the 20-25 years old range and every single on of them so far as had that humbling moment of “Oh I learned about this in the classroom and did it on the simulator, I know exactly what I’m doing” only to fail. Its a great line of work that is very satisfying for a lot of reasons but it does grind my gears when its portrayed as being unskilled or easy.

      1 year ago

      So… I built my first 3d printer in the 90’s- I get exactly what you’re saying. I’m always amazed at the .stls people bringing me thinking it’s just a button.

      and I’m not dumb enough to compare what I do to what you do. entirely different levels, there.

      1 year ago

      I think a lot of people would benefit from learning on manual machines. I had this misconception in my early twenties, but watching (and then using) manual machines was really helpful.