I’m really excited to share it. Before diving into development and investing more time into this project, I would love to hear your thoughts and get some initial feedback on the app’s look.
If this concept receives enough positive interest, I plan to invest further by acquiring a domain and making it available for public use. It will be open source as well.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for feedback.
Customization: I plan to implement some customization options, like dark mode or compact/normal layout
Mod tools, combining communities: It would require a lot of work, for now I want to focus on basic features, but that doesn’t rule out those features in the future
Mobile/desktop: for now this app is mobile-first, but as a PWA, it will also support desktop, with buttons instead of gestures and app bar (or whatever this thing is called) at the top of the page, for example
Clean/powerful UI: Basic options used often will be easy available under reach of thumb on mobile. More advanced options will be hidden under a menu or something. I don’t want cluttered UI with a lot of icons like jerboa. Whereas on desktop it might be different, because more space is available there.
Besides being a PWA, do you plan to release it on the APP store?
Rather not, I don’t have any Apple device to even test if it works. It will be possible to install from website (and maybe google play store).