He started making plans with his doctor to surgically remove his penis just 30 minutes into a consultation when he was 17.

  • Drugs@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    It takes a big person to admit they made a mistake, especially so publicly. There’s going to be a lot of these stories in 5-10 years time involving people who got caught up in the social hysteria and were then chewed and spat out by the medical establishment. It’s sad on an intellectual level but I struggle to garner much sympathy for people like this. But then I remember they’re just kids and I definitely had identity issues when I was young too and who knows maybe in a different timeline I would have been just as affected. But to be honest I’m glad I went to high school when the only phone people had was the Nokia 3220.

      • Drugs@exploding-heads.com
        1 year ago

        This one is just a child though who fell for a fad. The 50 year old coomers who have a porn addiction and leave their wife of 30 years to pursue a porn-sick fetish, yeah I have no sympathy for them either.