We should have a comm profile picture for c/libre. I’m thinking of several candidates for this role.

GNU - seems the most simple, the GNU Project was the start of the Free software movement and its sister movement, the Open Source Initiative. It helps distinguish us from being a “/Linux” tech support comm/news aggregator. The problem being is that we are not affiliated with the FSF nor the GNU Project so using this symbol might not be appropriate. (Also I don’t want to discuss RMS in any shape or form anymore on the internet)

Tux - No question the most recognizable icon in the public mainstream regarding Free software. Chubby cute penguin that just wants to hack and share software fairly and joyfully. This will make the comm click quickly with users but also has the downside of just making this strongly resemble a “linux” comm rather than an all encompassing libre software comm.

Xenia - The trans foxgirl alternative mascot you never heard about. I personally want this one to be the mascot because it’s the most “hexbeary” icon (looking at c/games) you could pick and the most unique. It would pique curiosity while also not bringing a whole set of expectations to the comm like GNU or Tux.

I want to breathe life back into this comm and I think a profile pic would be a cool way to do it . This is also my first post btw of many to come. Viva software libre!