Tried my hand at a vegetable garden in the past, and had miserable luck with it. To be fair, it was in some pretty crummy Maine soil that was full of rocks. Might have more success now though. Just curious what everyone is growing.

What I really want is a yard of just wildflowers. Better for the environment, less effort to maintain, and much more in keeping with my personality. I hate the fully manicured look. Only downside to that is ticks…so many ticks in New England…walking through it would likely be a horror show.

    1 year ago

    Do mushrooms count too? I currently have multiple blocks of Lion’s Mane and King Oyster going. I also make chickpea tempeh. Since I only have an indoor space, I can’t grow large-yield food plants, but I like to grow spices and teas. At the moment I have mint, turmeric, and very young chamomile plants.

    1 year ago

    My veggie gardens have always been gangbusters the first and second year, then the critters find it and it’s downhill from there.

    Perhaps it’s that the yard has gotten more shady over time too. I overextended myself and planted too many fruit trees and vines ( in the case of grapes) and now I struggle to maintain them. At least the pawpaws don’t need maintenance, but I don’t know if they’ll ever produce fruit.

    I still have a a few containers with edibles, but but the parsley and Brussels sprouts I planted in my raised bed got eaten by rabbits I guess? I have chicken wire around it but something has found a way around it. If I plant seeds, very few germinate. I have a feeling that squirrels or insects are eating the seeds before they have a chance to sprout. I’ve seen birds pecking up my sunflower seeds. The sunflowers that sprouted were eaten by a groundhog. 😕

    I’m starting to look for rabbit resistant native ornamentals. Growing food is hard, yo!

    1 year ago

    I grow all kinds of plants, some weird experiments including. I am a very chaotic gardener. I love my vegetable garden, as well as my houseplants or stuff I grow in hydro. I want to grow more flowers outside.

    1 year ago

    I’m probably not the target demographic of this community, but I’m a big believer of whatever plants I have need to give back more than what I put in and be self-sufficient. Rhubarb, raspberries, wildflowers are good because they mostly take care of themselves. I’m kind of an anti-gardener I guess?

      1 year ago

      I, too, consider myself an anti-gardener. My long term goal is a good forest. In the meantime while the fruit trees grow I’m not relying too much on production and focusing on soil building, and increasing insects.

      I’m not mowing this year, and I left the acorns and leaf litter over the winter. Not sure if it’s confirmation bias, but it feels like I have more lightning bugs than last year. I know my yard has enough to support a number of snakes, rabbits and possums; a box turtle; and at night when I go out with my headlamp, it’s a sea of wolf spider eyes glaring back at me!

    1 year ago

    I’m an obsessed landscape gardener with perennials, shrubs and a few annuals making up my flowerbeds. I garden for pollinators and birds, mostly, with a few purely ornamental things I can’t give up (roses, clematis). I grow a few edibles every year (tomatoes, some greens, and cucumbers, usually), but it’s not my focus. It always took me by surprise in r/gardening that the default seemed to be vegetables in mist people’s minds. :)

    • NataliePortland@thegarden.landM
      1 year ago

      You know for me the perennials took some time to get into. With veggies and annuals you get instant gratification but it takes more patience to grow perennials- but man once they start they can’t be stopped! My foxgloves are new new favorite thing