• Wooly@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Yeah, I’d think I’d describe the era as wasted potential. There are so many nuggets that could’ve been great but it was bogged down by bad writing. Jodie could’ve been a great first femal doctor, but Chibnall couldn’t write her with much depth.

    The timeless child could’ve been a good twist but he chose the most boring answer. I genuinely believe it would’ve been better received if the Master was the timeless child. It would make more sense why he’d destroy Gallifrey, it’d make more sense why he’s always hated the timelords so much, etc.

    They could’ve done something with a Black character and a police officer being in the TARDIS together, but all we got was “hey, not this police officer”. Tbh, Yaz being a police officer really didn’t play into her character past the first episode. She never takes charge or crowd control, anything a PO would be good at.

    I could go on and on about things I’d do slightly different which I think would result in stronger episodes/arcs.