This is why I always tell people who say “reporting the _____ incident to the police isn’t going to get anyone hurt, it’s just going to get them help” that they are idiots. You have no way of knowing what the police are going to do in any situation. I don’t care if there’s a 99% chance of it going right (it’s much lower in reality). That isn’t a chance worth taking for something that can absolutely be resolved without police.
This is why I always tell people who say “reporting the _____ incident to the police isn’t going to get anyone hurt, it’s just going to get them help” that they are idiots. You have no way of knowing what the police are going to do in any situation. I don’t care if there’s a 99% chance of it going right (it’s much lower in reality). That isn’t a chance worth taking for something that can absolutely be resolved without police.