I was just watching the Neopoleon trailer and releasied I have hit my limit with these stripped back orchestra hit covers of modern songs that seem to want the audience to do the Leo.gif about halfway through

  • GraniteM@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    “As we all know” style conversations, where characters reiterate things that they all know for the audience’s benefit.

    [A bunch of assassins sit in a smoke-filled room.]

    Billy Cuththroat: Did you hear about Sneaky Sam? He betrayed The Organization.

    Susan Slipknot: You never betray The Organization! The Organization is the most dangerous secret cabal in the world!

    Pete Poisoner: What was he thinking?! Everyone knows that if you betray The Organization, they send their invincible team of Cleaners after you!

    BC: The Cleaners! Everyone knows that they’ve never been defeated in a war of assassins!

    SS: And as we all know, the Cleaners are led by the most fearsome Cleaner of all, Mr. Clean!

    PP: Mr. Clean! He only ever kills using his left thumb, and he never leaves a trace, as as all know!

    BC & SS [in unison]: As we all know!

    • CrayonRosary@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      That’s called exposition, and when it’s obvious it’s being done it can be really bad.

      Incidentally, I was just reading book 2 of a trilogy and rather than try to casually mention the events of book 1 here and there as a reminder—which a lot of books do—the prologue was a complete summary of book 1 written as a holy book from 1000 years in the future. It was a really cool way of doing it. Book 1 had chapter intros from the same future holy book, too, but have it as a big infodump was a great reminder of the story.