The peas though are struggling a little bit this year
Also can’t figure out why the pic rotated itself…sigh.
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We had a 3 week heat wave in early June. Normally I’m worried about overnight frost killing my seedling and this year it was watching the sun bake em.
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Oof, I wouldn’t want to imagine how bad potted plants would have been. Hopefully all your hard work paid off.
Ah man I’ve never had lettuce this thick before. It always jumps up in temp and they bolt before they can get to this state. Maybe I’ll try again towards the fall.
Yum! So great to have fresh greens on hand like this. I found my homegrown lettuce tasted good enough to eat just on its own without making a salad or anything.
I had similar photo rotation problems early on. Basically all the photos on your phone are vertical, but some have a data tag that says “this should be rotated to landscape for display.” And not all tools in the world respect that tag consistently. They should. But a few things with Lemmy are new and still coming together. Did you post it from the desktop web interface for or an app of some kind?
Brb, just going to go and cry in my snail infested garden…