Thanks to the DEA’s massive overreach, for the third time in 5 or so months I’ve had to call a pharmacy outside my area to get my Concerta. My regular pharmacy gave me what they had, which I’m grateful for, but that left me short 7 pills. I then had to:

-Find a pharmacy that had the medicine I needed in the proper dose

-Call my doctor to have him send a new prescription over to that pharmacy since you’re not allowed to just show them your current one

-Drive about 15-20 minutes to get there

-Wait in line, give them my driver’s license (which I don’t have to do at my normal pharmacy) and sign a bunch of shit before finally leaving with it.

I’m just tired of this song and dance. Concerta works best for me though and isn’t too expensive with a coupon. I just want the DEA to stop micromanaging ADHD meds. I understand some oversight is needed but they go way overboard. Feel free to vent your frustration here as well.

    1 年前

    I’m currently going through the frustration of having to get a psych evaluation through my psychiatrist’s office to get prescribed stimulant meds.

    My PCP was fine giving them to me because I’ve been seeing him for the last 20ish years. He recommended I go and see a psychiatrist though since the meds he tried for me were giving me weird side effects, and seeing a specialist would be better for me. It has been great seeing a specialist, especially with the therapy since it helps me learn some other coping mechanisms besides meds.

    I’m currently trying to switch to Concerta because Straterra was just making me so tired all the time, and my psychiatrist said trying these new meds would help. Turns out to get the stimulant medications, I need a psych evaluation according to their office guidelines, and the soonest appointment I could get was mid September. It really sucks, but I understand that they are probably slammed. It just really sucks to have to deal with meds I don’t like for a few months because it’s better than the unmedicated alternative