Bookworm becomes stable today!
Hah, I’m so conservative (and don’t really need anything new right now) that I’ll still wait a month or so to upgrade
Same here. Still running Debian 11 and it’s working well.
Does this have Gnome 44 along with its improved fractional scaling for Wayland?
Woo! Noob question, but I’ve been using the debian apt repo for a while now, is there anything I need to do to use the stable repo, or does that happen as a side effect of the bookworm becoming stable?
You need to update your apt sources file. Here is the process. Run the following commands as root. Use
sudo -s
first to avoid having to prefix every command with sudo. This assumes you are running bullseye. If not you need to update to bullseye first.Update your current installation first:
apt udpate
apt full-upgrade -y
Then upgrade:
sed -i 's/bullseye/bookworm/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
export LC_ALL=C
apt update
apt upgrade --without-new-pkgs -y
apt full-upgrade -y
Then reboot.
So I had actually already done this when I switched to bookworm when it wasn’t stable.
I am curious: what does setting LC_ALL do? I’m familiar with all the other commands though
I followed the instructions from here and it was included so I left it:
Someone much smarter than me explains it here:
Great resources, thanks!