Hey! I’m having a hard time deciding. I currently have an i5 2019 air that needs an upgrade. I’m a second year engineering student and want something that will last me at least till graduation and a bit longer (4+ years).
I’m stuck between the M2 air and M3 pro. Their does not seem to be that much difference in power from what I heard. But then I’m also considering the m3 pro. I’m a college student so I would much rather spend less, but I’m also willing to sacrifice a bit and get something better if it’s worth it. Would you say the difference in price worth it (especially since apple is giving up to 200$ gift card for the airs but not the pros this weekend).
What kind of engineering student? I will be an ME major next fall and have been very specifically instructed to not go apple silicon because of compatibility issues. Make sure your program works with MacOS.
The difference between the M2 air and M3 Pro is minimal. Its like 15% better performance in the best scenario possible, which is unlikely. The money is better spent on buying a higher end refurbished machine or upgrading the ram and/or SSD of the Air.