Won’t connect calls to AirPods Won’t make calls Voice records after sending messages Randomly calls ppl when you just say there name Battery drains faster Changed don’t size Won’t play videos Ran out of data the next day for the first time ever Can’t get a signal Soooo much more I feel like I have my old android flip phone back this is awful
I’d give you my 2 cents if I could get Reddit to work on this damn thing.
iOS sucks now
It’s just you.
The only issue I’ve had is increased battery drain, but that has subsided recently.
I noticed I had issues with my headphones but I just thought it was because they are cheap ones and plan on buying a different pair
Definitely post on Reddit and cry about it
You guys got a new update?
I have noticed one problem, though: the recipient can’t hear me on call whenever I’m connected to my AirPods. I have to switch to my iPhone’s microphone. Anybody have such problems?
My phone has been great on the new latest update, what model do you have?