Hi, so I shoot sporting events mainly MLS games. However, I am not being paid for it. It’s more of a get you foot in the door type thing

So if I travel let’s say 6-7 hours and spend the night at an hotel. Can I write those things off?

I do other paid photography events like weddings etc.

  • Ctmanx@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    It is legit if you are running an overall profit and really trying to get your start in sports. $5k in wedding profits offset by $500 in sport portfolio expenses will work out, but $5k in sports travel offset by a $500 wedding is a hobby.

    I give myself 2 budgets. First is a number of days each year that I’ll shoot stuff I want to learn or make connections in that area. I hope to get some sort of $ out of it, but don’t expect pay that is remotely close to my corporate work.

    Second is actual money I’m willing to lose on those shoots. This is a small percentage of my profits for the year. That money can equal travel for those shoots or specialized gear I don’t otherwise need.