So I‘m currently paying 4,99€ for Spotify (university discount). I got an offer to pay 5,99€ for Apple Music + Apple TV+, which is obviously a really good deal that I‘ll probably just take tomorrow. Basically 1€ for Apple TV+. Music is more important to me tho so I wanted to ask wether I would lose anything remarkable right now that Spotify has but Apple doesn‘t? Afaik Apple Music even has better audio quality. What are your experiences?

  • kh406@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    like many things, it depends. If you live and die by letting Spotify choose your music based on your listening, then yes, Spotify is better at that.

    but if you just want a simple music player that isn’t also trying to shoehorn in podcast or other things, that just plays music for you, and that offers, lossless quality, AM for the win.

    I had three months of Apple Music free when I was a Spotify user and so out of boredom I gave it a shot and at the end of the three months canceled my Spotify. I could give a shit about my Spotify wrapped sharing thing, and two things really started to annoy me about Spotify. the first was the way I had to look at artists if I just wanted to peruse. It made me look at either all the artists i “followed” (which is not really related to what you might have in your library in anyway) or it would represent an artist entire library to me instead of just the ones I had downloaded. and the second one was the frequency at which I would have downloaded music that wouldn’t play because something in the app made it so when I clicked on say, Nirvana, it would reach out to the Internet to show me nirvana’s sort of my space, splash page, and when there was no service would say give me an error about no service… even though I would have three albums “downloaded.” this is the thing that happened beyond just a single bug, because I used Spotify for probably a decade.

    annnnyway, I made the switch, and I think Apple Music is way better experience on mobile AND they have a lot more music. The desktop app is still just a skin version of iTunes that looks like it’s from 2001 and I am completely fucking baffled that they haven’t redesigned it, but it’s nothing worth throwing the baby out with the bathwater for