Whenever AI is more effective, use it. Full stop. Yes, people are going to lose their jobs. MOST people will across every single industry under the sun. Okay? That’s just reality. That is our future, it’s not stopping. For so many reasons.

You cannot, and will not, compete on the global market full stop if you do that. Not only that, keeping Jobs around and forcing people to work when they are contributing zero to society, is morally reprehensible. That’s just making them work just cause. Wasting their life working just cause. Don’t need to, they have no real use, they are worse at the job, but make them do it anyway just to give the average guy something to do.

Can’t have a population with idle hands! Right guys?? But why. Lol. There’s no reason we as a population have to work full time forever. None. Zero.

It is not companies jobs to figure out how society is going to work here. Call. Your. Congressman.

This is the feds job.

  • Sarges24@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    go watch the movie Wall-E. That is precisely why jobs and working are important. For without structure in our lives we become fat, lazy, entitled creatures who relish in over indulgence. Never mind the fact that even with jobs we are already getting there. This would just bring about that time much quicker.

    Or how about the fact those jobs, as shitty as they often are, pay us and allow us to have all these first world problems so many post about online. Do you suggest replacing jobs with AI and instituting a Socialistic structure so that everyone has a roof over their head, food in their fridge and disposable income to do the things they enjoy.

    That being said, when it comes to modern times there are certainly improvements that can be made for the working folk. We have been continuously tasked with doing more work, being more productive, etc, all while losing the buying power we once had due to stagnant wages. I read a week ago that to have the same buying power as people did back when $3.xx was the standard hourly rate, you’d need to make just over $30 today. Moving along, there are measures that can make peoples lives better even while working. better pay, mandatory vacation, paid sick time, health benefits, and dare I suggest 4 day work weeks. European nations have figured this out, why can’t the rest of the world.

    AI is nothing more than a cost saving measure for the company. The same way self checkouts were for retailers. A way to dump employment costs to gain even more profit; as they don’t create enough. I’ll take an adequate human being over a computer trained by someone every single day of the week.

    I hope this was a troll post because the foundation of society is the people. It is every much businesses job to create a product, to create jobs, to stimulate the economy.