Whenever AI is more effective, use it. Full stop. Yes, people are going to lose their jobs. MOST people will across every single industry under the sun. Okay? That’s just reality. That is our future, it’s not stopping. For so many reasons.

You cannot, and will not, compete on the global market full stop if you do that. Not only that, keeping Jobs around and forcing people to work when they are contributing zero to society, is morally reprehensible. That’s just making them work just cause. Wasting their life working just cause. Don’t need to, they have no real use, they are worse at the job, but make them do it anyway just to give the average guy something to do.

Can’t have a population with idle hands! Right guys?? But why. Lol. There’s no reason we as a population have to work full time forever. None. Zero.

It is not companies jobs to figure out how society is going to work here. Call. Your. Congressman.

This is the feds job.

  • self-aware-text@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Once more see my original reply. We have become a population of mostly idle hands. This is why workers are fighting for their rights to keep working. I already addressed that.

    Also in the cases you’ve mentioned people still respect the handmade work. But OP is arguing that having organic workers would be “immoral” and wants to remove the human aspect from work. So while right now we have weavers who still do it the old way, that’s because there is still a market for it. If you outlaw those weavers (the people themselves), then yes the argument becomes more relevant.

    And what do you suppose people would be doing for your resource allotment?

    • Richmondez@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I’m not sure he’s advocating outlawing human labour, more that he views people having to do jobs they don’t really like or care about to secure their allocation of resources is immoral.

      We are assuming a transition to a post scarcity economy so there would be a base line allocation (UBI) that would eventually be increased to cover all basic needs and people would do jobs because that is what they wanted to do with their time, not to supplement their income anymore.