I’m interested in the economics of it, and I’m no expert so would be great for some insight.
In years gone by, the quality and popularity of a game would directly correlate to it’s sales. Whereas for gamepass games, I assume that studios get a kick back percentage of revenue for installs, play hours, etc.
As the investment needed by a player to install is zero (barring a download and install, it’s all sunk cost from already having a gamepass), their threshold to try a game is a lot lower, therefore the requirements for the studio to ensure high quality is much lower for a similar return on investment. (I.e. more speculative downloads with lower return than lower hard sales with higher return).
What do you think?
Just look at the new games coming to Game Pass. A lot of it is crap. I don’t mean games like GTA V which existed before Game Pass, I mean the newly developed games that have launched directly onto it.
Someone’s getting fucked here. It’s either us, Microsoft or the game developers. We are getting a great deal, for the price of 2 games you get access to hundreds, so it isn’t us. Microsoft is apparently turning a profit so it isn’t them. It’s the developers.