Do you watch any of the other Taskmaster versions?

We watch the UK one (of course), plus the NZ one in my house (their second series is brilliant). I tried the US one but I’m not sure I even got through the first episode.

I’ve heard that the Norwegian (or was it the Danish?) Taskmaster was good but I haven’t tried yet. There’s quite a few to chose from now, too many for me to try myself.

    10 months ago

    You should definitely give the NZ and Australian versions a watch.

    I watched the Belgian one and it just wasn’t great. The contestants were off. The older woman just got increasingly annoyed by the concept the further she got in the series. The host’s scripted segments were also incredibly lame. They did a thing where the fifth contestant is someone else every week so there’s no overall winner. It should be noted that this version was made for a channel that wants everybody to watch their shows. They also didn’t create their own tasks.